Employment Equity & Skills Development Committee Training & Labour Law
Employment Equity & Skills Development Committee Training & Labour Law
- Overview
- Outcome
- Content
This course investigates the Employment Equity And Skills Development Act and all its ramifications for organisations. The training ensures that ETD Committee and the Employment Equity Committees understand their role and function. The course looks at the legal reporting requirements of organisations as per affirmative action reports and WSP reports.
Part 1
Understanding the Employment Equity Act
Designated groups: African, Coloured, Indian, women, and disabled
New amendments to the Employment Equity Act 2023
National statistics of Economically active population by race, gender and province
Legislative requirements
African foreigners
Fines and penalties for non-compliance
Fronting and penalties
Disclosure of information
Understand the implications of the Employment Equity Act 2023 changes
Sectoral quotas for affirmative action
Targets per sector and penalties as per the Employment Equity Act 2023
Compliance certificate to work with the state
Part 2
Prohibition of unfair discrimination
Understanding unfair discrimination
Direct and indirect discrimination
Grounds for discrimination
Employment applicants, work analysis and inherent requirements of the job
Recruitment and selection
How the Employment Equity legislation attempts to eliminate and prohibit unfair discrimination
Medical and Psychological assessments
Maternity leave
Case studies on religious, ethnic, cultural, sexual orientation discrimination
Pregnancy and the workplace
Disability in the workplace
Harassment, victimisation and labour law
Labour court case studies
Part 3
Employment Equity and Affirmative action
Understanding Affirmative Action
Understanding Black Empowerment
National or regional demographics
BBBEE scorecard and how it links to employment equity
Understanding the BBBEE scorecard as per management control
Detailed analysis of the organisation per race, gender and disability per level
The duties of designated employers regarding EEA
The requirements of disclosure of information
Employment Equity Plans and the requirements for keeping records
EEA2 Report
Preparing your EEA2 Report
One-year and three-year goals and targets
Part 4
Roles, responsibilities and functions of the Employment Equity Committee
Election criteria for Employment Equity Committee
Roles, responsibilities and functions of the Employment Equity Committee
Oversight of EE committee vs HR department responsibilities
Frequency and content of Committee Meetings
Consultation and communication with the workforce
Drawing up your employment equity policy and plan
Monitoring Employment Policies, Procedures & Practices
Templates to assist your EE Committee reporting
Monitoring the Implementation of your EE Plan
Identification of EE Barriers
Recruitment barriers
Promotion barriers
Qualification barriers and skills development
Succession planning barriers
Developing EE Measures
Benchmarking Best Practices – fast tracking, succession planning, culture change, diversity practices, language
Practical analysis of EE plans and EE reports
Part 5
Organisational Salary analyses – EEA4
Wage gaps based on race, gender and disability
Wage discrimination - pay discrepancies per race and gender in the same occupation
Compiling the EEA4 report – remuneration per level, race and gender
Calculating the Gini co-efficient – between the highest and lowest paid in the organisation
Section 2: Skills Development Committee
Roles and responsibilities of the Skills Development Committee
The Skills Development Committee policy and procedures
SD Committee Function
Skills Development Legislation including:
The Skills Development Act
The Skills Development Levies Act