Self Mastery

Choose Your Influences Well
11/03/2013We do not move through our days alone or apart from the world around us. And so we must always be aware of the things...
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Make Small Daily Progress
11/03/2013The way we do small things determines the way that we do everything. If we execute our minor tasks well, we will also excel at...
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Embrace Your Fears
11/03/2013"What holds us back in life is the invisible architecture of fear. It keeps us in our comfort zones, which are, in truth, the least...
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The Power of Authenticity
11/03/2013"The most important gift we can give ourselves is the commitment to living our authentic life. To be true to ourselves, however, is not an...
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Live with Kindness
11/03/2013"It is important to remember that just as our words are our thoughts verbalized, so our deeds are our beliefs actualized. No action, no matter...
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Stand for something bigger than yourself
11/03/2013"There are no extra people alive today. Every single one of us is here for a reason, a special purpose – a mission. Yes, build...
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Life’s simplest pleasures are life’s greatest joys
11/03/2013Most people don’t discover what’s most important in life until they are too old to do anything about it. They spend many of their best...
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To lead your best life, do your best work
11/03/2013There is no insignificant work in the world. All labour is a chance to express personal talents, to create our art and to realize the...
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Keep Your Agreements
19/01/2013"Your life works to the degree you keep your agreements." Werner Erhard When we look at the world around us today more and more people...
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Don’t Be As Dumb As An Elephant
19/01/2013"A baby elephant is trained at birth to be confined to a very small space. Its trainer will tie its leg with a rope to...
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Take 100% Responsibility For Your Life
19/01/2013If you want to create the life of your dreams, Take 100% Responsibility for Your Life: "You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change the...
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The Power Of The Brain – The Power Of Visualization
19/01/2013"Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions." Albert Einstein Visualization - or the act of creating compelling and vivid pictures in...
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