Finance For Non-Financial Managers Course
Our Finance For Non-Financial Managers Course is accredited by the Services Seta and the material covers unit standard 242810 at NQF L4 worth 6 credits and unit standard 114738 at NQF L4 worth 6 credits.
- Overview
- Outcome
- Content
Course Duration: 3 Days
Upon completion of this course, the participants should be able to:
- Describe financial management terminology, concepts and principles
- Apply various financial planning techniques such as budgeting, cash-flow projections, cost benefit analysis, variance analysis and cost management
- Analyse and interpret financial management statements and reports such as the balance sheet, income and expenditure statement, budget, cash flow projection, variance analysis and assets register
- Describe valuations and credit management principles and processes
- Explain how financial decisions are arrived at
- Give the basic principles of sound business investment decisions
- Appreciate financial principles of accountability, cost effectiveness, cost efficiency and value for money
- Apply ratio analysis of financial statements and appreciate the advantages and limitations of ratio analysis
- Describe financial management success and failure factors
Course Duration: 3 Days
The role of management
- The financial management cycle
- Your Role in the Company Finances
Accounting Terminology
- The Balance Sheet
- Liabilities and Equity
- Profit and Loss Statement (Income Statement)
- Cash Flow statement
- Financial management failure and success factors
- Centralised vs decentralised financial management
- Analysing various accounting ratios
Budget planning and management
- Aligning budgets with management plans
- Format of the budget submission
- Preparing a budget
- Budget and budgeting cycle
- Different budgeting processes
- Strengths and weaknesses of various budgeting techniques
- Cash flow projections
- Forecasting
Asset management
- Revenue management
- Tracking Business Expenses
- Using Accounting Software
- Ethical issues surrounding accounting
- Managing Profit Performance
- Comparing Investment Opportunities
- Credits vs. Debits
- Bookkeeping
Monitoring financial processes and procedures
- Variance analysis early warning system
- Analysis and interpretation of financial statements
- Analysing income statements and balance sheets
- Apply ratio analysis and percentage of financial statements
- Advantages and limitations of ratio analysis
Financial reporting and auditing
- Overview of the auditing function
- The external audit process
Course Duration: 3 Days
- Session One: Introduction and Course Overview
- Session Two: Balancing self, team & society
- Session Three: Ethics
- Session Four: Introduction to financial management and strategic planning
- Session Five: Time Value of Money
- Session Six: What is finance?
- Session Seven: Your role and the role of financial players
- Session Eight: Budgeting
- Session Nine: Procurement
- Session Ten: Accounting and Bookkeeping
- Session Eleven: Expenditure Control, Early Warning Systems & Variance Analysis
- Session Twelve: The balance sheet
- Session Thirteen: Liabilities and equity
- Session Fourteen: Income Statement
- Session Fifteen: Cash flow statement
- Session Sixteen: VAT
- Session Seventeen: Disposal of tangible assets
- Session Eighteen: Analysing financial statements
- Session Nineteen: Managing Profit Performance
- Session Twenty: Comparing Investment Opportunities
- Session Twenty one: The Human Aspect
- Session Twenty two: Auditing and Corporate Governance