Implementing Internships, Learnerships and employee tax incentives Course

Implementing Internships, Learnerships and employee tax incentives Course

This course looks at the various incentives and reasons why companies should take on unemployed youth on internships, learnerships and as first time employees. The new BBBEE regulations under the skills development section require companies to take on, 2.5% of their staff complement, as unemployed youth on internships and learnerships. The government has given a number of tax incentives to companies for taking on unemployed youth as interns, learners or as first time employees. This course investigates the various tax incentives available and the procedures for claiming such tax incentives.This course investigates various options for taking on unemployed youth in the workplace. It looks at what a learnership is and how one would implement such a programme. The course also looks at internships and how one would implement such an internship.

Module 1: BBBEE Scorecard
  • Points for taking on employees and unemployed youth on learnerships
  • Points for appointing the learners on learnerships as permanent employees
  • Understanding the BBBEE scorecard criteria for skills development
Module 2: Employee Tax Incentives
  • Which tax incentives are available for learnerships
  • Tax incentives for employing first time employees
Module 3: FET Colleges Internships
  • Taking on graduates from FET Colleges (TVE Colleges)
  • Sponsorship of graduate's salary while undergoing the internship
Module 4: Implementation of Learnerships
  • Different kinds of learnerships
  • How one would select learners
  • The roll out of the training programme
  • The roll out of the workplace experience
  • Do's and don'ts of implementing learnerships
Module 5: Implementation of Internships
  • Different types of internships
  • How one would select interns
  • The roll out of the workplace experience
  • Do's and don'ts of implementing Internships

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