Moderator Training
This course is accredited by the ETDP Seta and the material covers unit standard
115759 at NQF level 6 worth 10 credits
- Overview
- Outcome
- Content
Moderation is a process ensuring that assessments, done by registered assessors, confirms the specific
outcomes, as specified in the NQF standards and qualifications as fair, valid and reliable.
To moderate efficiently is a profession (a system with specific principles and practices) that must be
learnt and used correctly. It is the aim of this training: to learn the applicable process and principles of
moderation that gives reliable and fair results.
Moderators must be able to, where necessary, moderate the assessment instrument or assessment
plan, including the instructions to the assessor, instructions to the candidate, format of records, etc. This
set of instructions are known as an assessment guide.
The credit calculation assumes that learners have previous assessment experience when
starting to learn towards this unit standard and can: "Conduct outcomes-based assessments"
(115753) and "Design and develop outcomes-based assessment” (115755).
Upon completing this course, the learner should be able to:
- Demonstrate understanding of moderation within the context of an outcomes-based assessment system
- Plan and prepare for moderation
- Conduct moderation
- Advise and support assessors
- Report, record and administer moderation
- Review moderation systems and processes.
Module 1: Moderation Within the Context of An OBE System
• Review moderation systems and processes
• Moderation and assessment methods and activities
• The moderator’s role and responsibilities
Module 2: Plan and Prepare for Moderation
• Planning the extent of moderation and methods of moderation
• Clarifying the context of the assessments under review
• Considering special needs
• Planning the moderation methods and processes
• Moderation techniques and processes
• Sampling of assessments
• Planning the physical and human resources required
• Preparing moderation documents
Module 3: Conduct Moderation
• Checking and judging the assessment instruments and process
• Confirming that special needs of learners have been provided for
• Handling appeals against assessment decisions
• Moderating recognition of prior learning
• Making the moderation decision
• Moderation checklists
• Confirming the assessment decisions
Module 4: Advise and Support Assessors
• The varccs report
• Giving feedback to assessors
Module 5: Report, Record and Administer Moderation
• Moderation findings are reported to designated role-players within agreed time-frames and
according to the quality assurance body's requirements for format and content
• Records are maintained in accordance with organisational quality assurance and ETQA
• Confidentiality of information relating to candidates and assessors is preserved in accordance
with organisational quality assurance and ETQA requirements
Module 6: Review Moderation Systems and Processes
• Using a swot analysis
• Management Systems and Policies