Sexual Harassment in the workplace course

Our Sexual Harassment in the workplace course will be offered as a workshop, and only Certificates of Attendance will be issued.

Course Duration: 2 Days

Sexual harassment is a major problem that affects many organisations in South Africa. The consequences of not addressing sexual harassment in your workplace are dire. In recent years, one factor has become prominent in the management of an organisation's human resources, namely sexual harassment. Sexual harassment constitutes behaviour that leads to, and perpetuates, a working environment in which it becomes unpleasant to work. The ultimate consequence of allowing sexual harassment to go unchecked is that it leads to the under-performance of those employees subjected to this form of conduct.Besides the cost of litigation that is associated with sexual harassment, other more subtle costs are associated with the psychological and physiological harm to the victims. For example, victims often experience depression, frustration, nervousness, fatigue and hypertension, which, in turn, lead to decreased productivity and increased absenteeism. With more women entering the work situation as a result of the implementation of the Employment Equity Act, sexual harassment is becoming more prevalent and this new dimension of discrimination is causing concern to management.If an employer fails to address a sexual harassment complaint, the consequences may be serious. In Grobler v Naspers Bpk en n' ander [2004] All SA 160 (CC), a manager was found guilty of sexually harassing an employee. The court found the employer to be vicariously liable for the conduct of the manager because it had failed to take appropriate action to prevent the harassment. The employer was liable for the resultant damages of just short of R1 million.Therefore it is critical that all employees undergo training on what sexual harassment is and how it should be dealt with in the workplace.

Course Duration: 2 Days
Upon completion of this course, the participants should be able to:
  • Demonstrate an understanding of what sexual harassment is
  • Identify the elements of sexual harassment
  • Identify the criteria for sexual harassment
  • Identify the different types of harassers
  • Identify the typical victims
  • Differentiate between the myths and facts on sexual harassment
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the two main types of sexual harassment
  • Identify sexual harassment
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the different causes of sexual harassment
  • Explain why some people hesitate to talk about sexual harassment
  • Identify the consequences of sexual harassment
  • Identify ways of preventing sexual harassment
  • Demonstrate an understanding of how to handle sexual harassment
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the laws that deal with sexual harassment
  • CCMA guidelines on how to deal with Sexual Harassment in the workplace
  • Sexual harassment and case law
  • Sexual harassment CCMA & Labour Court judgements
  • Investigating sexual harassment cases for disciplinary hearings
  • Conducting sexual harassment disciplinary hearings
  • How to counsel victims of sexual harassment
Course Duration: 2 Days
  • What is sexual harassment
  • When does sexual attention become sexual harassment
  • Verbal behaviour of a sexual nature
  • Gestures and other non-verbal behaviour
  • Visual sexual harassment
  • Physical behaviour
  • Psychological sexual behaviour
  • Quid pro quo harassment
  • Sexual favouritism
  • Hostile environment sexual harassment
  • A zero tolerance statement
  • Duties and responsibilities of the employer
  • Complaints procedure
  • Investigation procedure
  • Sexual harassment complaints
  • Sexual harassment disciplinary hearings
  • Formal complaints
  • Informal complaints
  • Case studies
  • What is counselling and aims of counselling
  • Six step process
    • Connect
    • Reassure
    • Stabilize
    • Address needs and concerns
    • Provide Support
    • Facilitate Coping